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I’ve had several people ask me what’s up with all the deaths of beloved entertainers and sports figures this month. I don’t think it is wise, even if it is possible, to predict death for the individual (with some exceptions when a person is known to be terminally ill). Those astrological indicators that signal death can also signal other transformative experiences, inner and/or outer. Certainly they were there for David Bowie (whose birth chart I analyzed here) and I’m sure for all the other individuals as well. I think death is a decision, or perhaps an agreement, that is made by the individual — not on a conscious level, of course, but on the level of the oversoul, higher self, or whatever you call the eternal part of an individual that reincarnates. I don’t think I, as an astrologer, have any business trying to second-guess that decision.

Nonetheless, we can see certain trends on a national and global stage, and here in the USA, there has been a lot of grief and feelings of loss around the sheer number of deaths of people who were widely loved and admired. The recent New Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto suggests possible high-profile deaths, and it was in the 5th house of entertainment and sports in the chart cast for the USA.

But the key aspect I am looking at is the current conjunction of Jupiter with the North Node, which I think signifies a confluence of energy within the veil between the worlds that opens a specific gateway — one that makes this an auspicious or easy time to die. Many astrologers refer to Jupiter as the “Angel of Death” and it is prominent in many, if not most, death charts. Jupiter also rules rewards, expansion and adventure — and this pairing of death with Jupiter’s beneficence is not a coincidence. With some exceptions, I believe death is much harder on those left behind than on those making the transition. But we grieve, and that is as it should be, for in this world of time and space, we have experienced loss.

This aspect of Jupiter to the North Node will be in effect for a couple of more weeks, and again in June, after Jupiter goes direct. So others may leave during this time. But there will also be many births — and who knows what remarkable souls may choose to make their appearance during this auspicious time? I think we need to trust that there are larger forces at work here that are pushing the human race towards evolution and conscious co-creation and find solace in the knowledge that death is part of a cycle of existence.

Now, for a look at the week ahead:

Monday starts with Moon in Leo, and Mercury turning direct late afternoon (all times EST). Most of us try to shine a bit when Moon is in Leo, and if you can admire others creative endeavors while pursuing your own, you’ll have it made. Just watch out for jealousy and competitiveness — it simply isn’t necessary. You are unique and a treasure, and so are all the other people in this world. Today, express yourself and appreciate others. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Mercury slid past Pluto by one degree and is turning around, but remember that planets are not like cow-cutting, barrel-racing Quarter Horses who can spin 180 on a dime. Even Mercury, the fastest and most agile of our planets, is more like a big ocean liner when it comes to turning around. So it’s been hanging tight with the Lord of the Underworld for a week or so now, and will continue to do so for another week. Their little party will wake us right up.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
~ Albert Einstein

Many will be feeling that their habitual mental processes are being challenged, and they are. This can be annoying — it’s hard to be forced out of our comfortable ruts — and we may find ourselves and others prone to communicating in cranky and contrary ways. But you want to be really careful — really really careful — of ultimatums and pronouncements that are likely to end relationships. If you can’t say something nice, it’s usually best to just shut up.

This is a good time to work on rewiring your brain, and let go of old outworn creeds and ways of thinking. Pay attention to your thoughts, and watch how they lead your emotions. This period offers tremendous opportunity for beneficial changes if we are willing to try something different.

Moon moves into Virgo late Monday night, bringing us a very different vibe on Tuesday. You’ll want to be able to differentiate between spiritual inspiration and simple muddleheadedness, between insightful analysis and nitpicking. If someone is feeding you some unintelligible word salad à la Sarah Palin, feel free to ask for clarification, assuming they are capable of it (if it *is* Sarah Palin, just walk away.)

Wednesday, Moon triggers that Jupiter-North Node conjunction and opposes Chiron. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean another high-profile death — it may, in fact, mean good news for business, religion or law, or for workers and public service employees. On a personal level, I suggest you connect with your co-workers and colleagues and see what problems you can solve together. A spot of meditation can help with anxiety issues.

Thursday, Moon moves into Libra on Thursday morning and relationships are front and center. Friday, Moon triggers that Mercury-Pluto conjunction (exact today) and squares Uranus as well, so it’s a good day to work on changing your mental and communication habits as I discussed above.

Saturday, Venus sextiles Neptune — it’s a lovely day for artists and spiritual pursuits, and perhaps a bit of romance. Sunday, Mercury squares Uranus and Moon moves into Scorpio, so passionate, if somewhat difficult communication can be expected. The outcome can be good if you will take the time to dig deep and get to the bottom of any communication problems.

If you’d like to know how the current astrological trends are affecting you personally, contact me for a consultation.

See you next week!


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