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Just a short update, because this solar eclipse/Mercury retrograde combo has been kicking ass and taking names, and it ain’t over yet.

Have you been noticing big changes in your life since the solar eclipse? Is there a pattern you can see of issues that are coming up for you? The eclipse fell in one of the 12 houses of your astrology chart, and the affairs ruled by that house, its ruler, and the planets in it are where you are likely to be noticing shifts and changes. The effects of this eclipse are far from over, and Labor Day weekend will see two planets — Mercury, getting ready to turn direct, and Mars — hitting the degree of the eclipse together, then Venus doing the same in mid-September. So whatever issues were highlighted by the eclipse will be revisited in terms of mindset, action, and relationship through September.

The question, of course, is how you can use this energy to improve your life instead of — or at least in addition to — feeling blindsided by external events. In other words, the external events are only one part of your experience. The other part is how you act and react within those events, your own daily mindset, emotional realities, personal energy and resonance. This is what determines your path through the events and into a hopefully better future.

In a solar eclipse, when the Moon hides the Sun, we are given a clear lesson in the importance of perspective and distance. Moon, 400 times smaller than Sun, can hide the big ol’ ball of fire because of Moon’s proximity to Earth and our perspective from where we are standing on the Earth. In the astrology chart Moon co-rules our mindset with Mercury, and Sun stands for our Greater Self, our individual expression of All That Is.

It’s important for us to remember than skillful living of life here on Earth, our manifest existence, requires us to pay close attention to our mindset. Our Greater Self can’t manifest within time and space, can’t experience life on Earth without us, in our physical bodies. Physical existence is an exuberant, creative expression of Consciousness/All That Is which challenges us daily to become more skilled in creating the reality we want, both through our actions and our thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Our connection to our Greater Self, our life purpose, Spirit — all of these hifalutin’ ideals must be mediated into manifest reality through us — our actions, our thoughts, our emotions, our individual mindsets.

How’s your mindset these days? Where do you feel the call of Spirit to change? Perhaps there are some areas in which you need more self-discipline, others in which you need more freedom and fun. Perhaps a crisis is bringing change to you, and you are struggling with a mindset that is worried, or even shading into hopelessness.

The way through this to positive change is to get back to your core spiritual beliefs, to consult with Spirit in whatever way you do that — meditation, prayer, trance or journey work — and ask to be shown what you need to do, how you need to change to get to where you want to go. But you need to know where you want to go. You can’t just run to Spirit and say “Mommy, make it better!”. You’re all grown up now, and part of being a grownup is making your own decisions.

What is it you want? What is your intention? Where do you want to go with your life? Sometimes we need to expand our sense of what is possible to get a clear idea of what we want. Play with these ideas over the next few weeks, and see if you can solidify them in your mind. Imagine them. Feel them. Sense the path forward opening in front of you. Make time for this spiritual work and don’t forget to listen (meditate). Don’t just ask (pray).

Our natal astrology chart reflects our soul’s intentions for and karma of this lifetime. When an event, like an eclipse or a planetary transit, hits a planet or point in our chart directly, our purpose and karmic issues are highlighted. Pay attention to what issues crop up for you over Labor Day weekend and the third week in September. The issues that keep repeating are the ones that are important for you to work on now.

It won’t surprise you to learn that I think astrology gives us tremendous guidance and understanding at crisis points in our lives. But much depends on your personal natal chart. If you aren’t quite ready for a full reading with me, you might want to get a copy of your personalized SkyLog report. It’s an inexpensive ($20) computerized report I like that will help you figure out just how some of these events might affect you personally, and offers astrological guidance for the year ahead based on your personal birth data. You can read more about it here.

I hope your holiday weekend is restful, renewing and fun!

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